Day of Destiny
Empty-Shrine Kannushi
Faithful Squire
Final Judgment
Genju of the Fields
Heart of Light
Hokori, Dust Drinker
Hundred-Talon Strike
Indebted Samurai
Kami of False Hope
Kami of Tattered Shoji
Kami of the Honored Dead
Kentaro, the Smiling Cat
Kitsune Palliator
Mending Hands
Moonlit Strider
Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
Patron of the Kitsune
Shining Shoal
Silverstorm Samurai
Split-Tail Miko
Takeno's Cavalry
Terashi's Grasp
Terashi's Verdict
Ward of Piety
Waxmane Baku
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
Callow Jushi
Chisei, Heart of Oceans
Disrupting Shoal
Genju of the Falls
Heed the Mists
Higure, the Still Wind
Jetting Glasskite
Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
Minamo Sightbender
Minamo's Meddling
Mistblade Shinobi
Ninja of the Deep Hours
Patron of the Moon
Phantom Wings
Quash FOIL
Quillmane Baku
Reduce to Dreams
Ribbons of the Reikai
Shimmering Glasskite
Soratami Mindsweeper
Stream of Consciousness
Sway of the Stars
Teardrop Kami
Threads of Disloyalty
Toils of Night and Day
Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar
Veil of Secrecy
Walker of Secret Ways
Bile Urchin
Blessing of Leeches
Call for Blood
Crawling Filth
Genju of the Fens
Goryo's Vengeance
Hero's Demise
Hired Muscle